(English below)
待ちにまったこの日。全国の映画館がゆっくりと再開に向けて動き始めました。日本よりひと足先に映画館などの遊興施設が閉鎖されたロサンジェルス(以下、LA)。そのなかの1館、かつての老舗映画館から生まれ変わった名画座Fairfax Cinemaの今をレポートします。LAに行ったら訪れたい素敵な映画館です。
1942年からサイレント映画館としてLAウエストハリウッドの住民に親しまれてきたCinefamily。この老舗映画館は2007年のハロウィンに劇的な変化を遂げる。地元のセレブにして通好みの品揃えを誇るビデオレンタルショップCinefile Videoの創始者、ハドリアヌス・ビーラヴと、家族経営の書店Family Bookstoreの共同オーナー、サミー・ハーカムによって新たに生まれ変わったのだ。奇抜で示唆に富むプログラムを提供し、ロバート・ダウニーSr&Jr、デヴィッド・リンチ、アンナ・カリーナはじめ魅惑のゲストたちが登壇するイベントを開催。週末の夜の上映後には中庭でパーティが開かれ、さめやらない興奮をまとったシネフィルたちが酒を片手にドア1枚向こうで得たばかりの体験を分かち合った。CinefamilyがないLAなど想像できない――LAらしいポップカルチャーの精神にあふれたこの場所は、映画愛好家たちの心をわしづかみにした。
※この日は『フォービデンゾーン(Forbidden Zone, 1980)』が上映され、上映後には監督のリチャード・エルフマンが下着姿で演奏に加わった。
そんな経緯があったから、2019年12月25日に劇場が“Fairfax Cinema”として再オープンするという知らせを聞いたときには、にわかには信じられなかった。再出発を飾る作品として選ばれたのは、サフディ兄弟監督、アダム・サンドラー主演の『アンカット・ダイヤモンド(Uncut Gems)』の35mm版。しかし、残念ながら諸事情により配給会社のA24は上映を断念せざるを得なかった。代わりに選ばれたのは『Variety』(ベット・ゴードン監督、1983)と『ヒッチ・ハイカー(The Hitch-Hiker)』(アイダ・ルピノ監督、1953)だ。
Fairfax Cinemaは、若いスタッフを中心に、地域に愛される映画館を目指して精力的に動き始めた。建物はほぼ全面的に改装され、ツタで覆われたミステリアスな外観はシックでアート好きのする表構えへと変わった。2階はレアな映画雑誌やZINEを楽しむことのできる居心地のよい書店になり、Cinefamily時代シンボルだった中庭は引き続きカフェとして提供されることとなった。
※ロックダウンを受け閉鎖したFairfax Cinema
実はここで『ナイトメア』(Nightmare, Romano Scavolini, 1981)を観ている最中、車上荒らしに遭ってしまった。映画館にごく近い路上パーキングにとめ、2時間ほどして戻ったときには車の後部座席が割られていた。
Fairfax Cinema番組編成担当ダニエル・グロス氏に聞く
(*注)カノン映画 高く評価され、古典の地位を獲得した作品。欧米では一般的に黒澤監督と小津監督がこれに該当すると考えられている。クリテリオン・コレクションが選ぶ作品は、新しい「カノン映画」のリストの良い例である。
5月末現在、Fairfax Cinema営業再開のめどは立っていない。「スタッフと人数を限定した上映会ができないか知恵を絞っているところだ」とダニエル。その行間からは、劇場に戻りたくて仕方のない様子が浮かびあがってくる。「次に訪れるときも、変わらない姿であってほしい」――世界中の映画ファンの願いも同じだ。6月1日、日本では多くの映画館が再スタートを切る。閉鎖のあいだ入念に準備を進め、それでも悩みながら、細心の注意を払いながらのオープンとなるだろう。映画館は、なじみ深いたたずまいで迎えてくれるかもしれない。しかし、今や世界は変わってしまった。映画館とそこで働く人たちの努力を無に帰さないよう、観客にも新しいルールにのっとった鑑賞が求められる。恋い焦がれたスクリーンの臨場感を二度と失うことのないように。
Fairfax Cinema魅惑のプログラム
『バラエティ』(VARIETY, Bette Gordon, 1983)
『ヒッチ・ハイカー』(THE HITCHHIKER, Ida Lupino, 1953)
『波も涙も暖かい』(A HOLE IN THE HEAD, Frank Capra, 1959)
『イージー・マネー 一獲千金』(EASY MONEY, James Signorelli, 1983)
『マイキー&ニッキー/裏切りのメロディ』(MIKEY AND NICKY, Elaine May, 1976)
『トーク・レディオ』(TALK RADIO, Oliver Stone, 1988)
『心のともしび』(MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION, Douglas Sirk, 1954)
『ミニー&モスコウィッツ』(MINNIE AND MOSKOWITZ, John Cassavetes,1971)
『ランブルフィッシュ』(RUMBLE FISH, Francis Ford Coppola, 1983)
『マッドマックス2』(MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR, George Miller, 1981)
『黒水仙』(BLACK NARCISUSS, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1947)
『裸のランチ』(NAKED LUNCH, David Cronenberg,1991)
『成功の甘き香り』(SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS, Alexander Mackendrick, 1957)
『荒馬と女』(THE MISFITS, John Huston, 1961)
『フランケンシュタイン 恐怖の生体実験』(FRANKENSTEIN MUST BE DESTROYED, Terence Fisher, 1969)
Fairfax Cinema劇場情報
■所在地:611 N Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA
■Web Site:https://fairfaxcinema.com/for-now/
Fairfax Cinema, L.A.'s revival house, is making a second start.
The Cinefamily, a silent movie theater that had been familiar to residents of West Hollywood, LA since 1942, this venerable movie theater underwent a dramatic change on Halloween 2007. It was reborn by Hadrian Belove, a local celebrity, and co-founder of Cinefile Video, a specialty video store, and Sammy Harkham, co-owner of Family Bookstore. With the novel and thought-provoking programs, the theater had organized events featured Robert Downey Sr & Jr, David Lynch, Anna Karina, and other captivating guests. After the weekend evening screening, they held a party in their unique courtyard of "Patio," where the cinephiles, wrapped in continuing excitement, shared the experience they had just gained behind the door with a drink in hand. It was hard to imagine L.A. without the Cinefamily - a place in the spirit of L.A. pop culture that has won over the hearts of cinephiles.
Even so, in 2017, a significant scandal came to light. An anonymous email exposed that Hadrian sexually harassed employees in 2014, and it ended to a settlement with the victim, as well as that board vice president Shadie Elnashai "raped multiple women" (Elnashai denied the allegations). The two resigned from Cinefamily. Brie Larson, who served on the advisory board, got to know the incident and spoke out on Twitter, saying, "The allegations at Cinefamily are upsetting to me personally, both as an advocate for sexual assault survivors and a member of the community. Firstly, I would like to thank the brave survivors who spoke up," she said, revealing her anger. After a series of investigations, Cinefamily had been decided to close down. Forever. No matter whom I asked, they sadly shook their heads that there would be no reopening, given the seriousness of the incident in which the executives were allegedly involved.
I could not believe it when I heard the news that the theater would be reopening as Fairfax Cinema on December 25, 2019. The film chosen to mark a fresh start was the 35mm version of "Uncut Gems," directed by the Safdie brothers and starring Adam Sandler. However, the distributor A24 had to cancel the screening due to various reasons. That was a shame! After all, the theater showed a double-feature of "Variety" (Bette Gordon, 1983) and "The Hitch-Hiker" (Ida Lupino, 1953).
Fairfax Cinema, with its young staff, began a vigorous movement toward becoming a cinema that would be loved by the community. The building has been almost completely renovated. The mysterious ivy-covered exterior has been transformed into a chic, art-loving surface. The second floor is now a cozy bookstore where you can enjoy rare movie magazines and zines, and the courtyard, "Patio," once a symbol of the Cinefamily era, continues to be used as a cafe. In addition to the regular popcorn, the entrance stall sells pastries and doughnuts, and a delicious smell greets you. What amazed me was the toilet. As soon as I opened it, I involuntarily let out a "wow." The white and bold floral two-tone patterned walls were gorgeous! In the Cinefamily era, there were various forms of sofa seats for the members-only, but all the somewhat decadent seats were replaced with soft chairs that ultimately embrace the audience's whole body. There is a sense of warmth and nostalgia as if you could hear the voice of "Thank you for coming" or "Welcome home" from the entire building.
However, this is the case. This year, theaters were once again forced to close due to the COVID-19 disaster that spread around the world. It was three days after my last visit. The news was that San Francisco was locked down, the Canadian border might close, and L.A. would be locked down soon. We rounded up our plans and headed home.
Someone broke the back-seat window of our car while watching "NIGHTMARE (1981)" here. I pulled into a street parking lot very close to the movie theater, and when we came back about two hours later, we found it. Fortunately, there was no damage, but the time was near midnight. Even when I called the police, I could not get a hold of them. We went back to the theater and asked for help from the staff who were getting ready to leave. They gave me the number of a police station that was easy to connect to immediately and helped us until I could get in touch with them. The car thief seems to have come as a shock to the staff. There was a similar incident a few months ago. Still, the area around the movie theater is not a particularly dangerous place, and you can walk around even in the middle of the night. We were surprised, too, that the number of homeless people seemed to be increasing every year compared to when we first came to L.A. six years ago. While we have heard the term "a poor white" many times, it was an event that made us feel that a change was taking place in the society of the U.S. I would like to reiterate my gratitude to all the staff, who served us doughnuts to say that "At times like these, sweets are the best."
After I sent out an email thanking them and telling our safe return, I started talking to Daniel Gross, one of the staff members in charge of programming. I was inquisitive about hearing how they are coping with this hardship and preparing for the upcoming reopening of the cinemas, so I asked them. With his permission, I would like to introduce our conversations.
The questions and answers with the program director of Fairfax Cinema, Daniel Gross
■I want to know the detail by whom and why the theater was decided to re-start.
Daniel: Dan and Sammy Harkham have owned the building since 2006 (I think). After the previous tenant, Cinefamily, fell apart, the Harkhams decided that they wanted to create their own movie theatre - ensuring the 80-year history of the Silent Movie Theater was kept alive, whilst also developing a more active role in the direct running of the business.
■What is the most important thing when you run the theater, and you decide the program?
D: Before I came onboard as a programmer, there was a clear idea laid out by Sammy and the original programmer, Kate. They wanted to fill in the gaps that were missing from the repertory scene in LA; there are cinemas in the city dedicated to genre film, to art film and to 'canon' style films. D: Many programs are built around overt themes or individuals. Our idea is to explore variety, to think about each film in a range of contexts, rather than within a specific framework or codification. When we lay out the program, I always ask what is missing, who is not being represented, what era/genre/subject/culture have we not explored yet. We then build the weekly and monthly program according to what fits together in the most interesting way.
■What would you do to make your theater more attractive?
D: Be open longer hours, more days of the week, and have the patio cafe open so that Fairfax Cinema is a place that patrons can spend time in the building, enjoy themselves, have conversations, read books - not simply a movie theatre that you file out of once the credits roll.
■What kind of audience would you expect to have?
D: We try to be as inclusive and as wide-ranging as possible in our programming, so I hope that we always have a diverse array of people coming to the theatre. All are welcome and wanted.
■What kind of pleasure or discovery could the audience get?
D: I hope that we can expose our audience to films they have never seen before (or at least seen at a cinema). Films that have been forgotten or overlooked, films ripe for reappraisal, the weird and wild, challenging films, etc. We always try for 35mm prints too, and are dedicated to showing things with the highest picture and sound quality we can find.
■What kind of mood and atmosphere would you put the theater?
D: We strive to be warm and welcoming to everyone who we engage with, online and in person. People should feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. Even if the movie being watched is tough to sit through, I still want customers to be having a good time.
■The plan toward the future.
D: Get back to normal screenings! I cannot wait till we can open our doors again. We had some amazing stuff lined up before we shut down which we will return to when it is safe to do so. Over the brief period we were open, we went from screening 2 films per weekend to 5 films a week. We were only open 2 1/2 months before the shutdown, and we were growing exponentially. We hope to pick up where we left off, grow our audience, show great movies and make the space something really special and unique.
As of the end of May, there is no plan that Fairfax Cinema will be able to return to normalcy. But Daniel says, "I have ideas for screening movies again for small groups." Between the lines, I can feel his earnest desire to reopen the theater. On June 1st, many movie theaters in Japan will be opening their doors again. It might be a meticulous restarting, even though taking careful preparation during the closure, but still with worry. A movie theater will greet you with a familiar look. But now the world has changed totally. We should not attribute the efforts of the people to nothing who work at theaters. Audiences are expected to watch films according to the new rules. Do not ever lose the impressive presence of the large screen you have fallen in love with again.